2011年5月19日 星期四

My Plans for summer:)

I can't believe summer is already coming!!! I have a feeling that this will be the best summer vacation ever! But i really hope i don't fail for my math because if i do then i would have to come to school for 3 hours each day and study math and do the retakes:( so first thing i have to do before summer is to study hard for math and ask the teacher what i can do to get out of studying math:) But if i don't have to come to school then i have tones of stuff i need to do! I am definitely flying back to Australia and seeing my friends, spend time in the steak house, hotel buffet resturants and the beach watching hot guys. Then i would go to Shanghai and Hainan to meet my brother and his new girlfriend Sophie and most of all going clubbing with my friends back there! but I'm also planning on taking a few toefl and S.A.T classes as well as dancing class, painting class and going ice skating and watching tones of movies! Then I'm gonna spend alot of time in the pool and the gym to loose some weight and come back to Taiwan and do tones of shopping as well as just chilling in a coffee store on a raining day reading weathering heights and re read the twilight series too! isn't my summer just great? fingers cross i would be able to do all theese stuff and my goals are not to get fat or tanned:D

