2011年5月19日 星期四

The Amazing bike riding trip

The 12-day bike riding trip was one of the best days in my life. How could any one know that bike riding can be so funn and tiring? for the whole bike riding trip we only took the train once and it was because the road was dangerous. Even though some of the hotels we stayed in wasn't as good as the others but i loved them all because the most important thing is that we were all together and having fun. The reasons why i love this bike riding trip is because i made new friends and i lost alot of weight. On the way back we saw many beautiful placers and even though the moutains were difficult to climb on but it was all worth is because the places we saw were just simply amazing and the food we ate was great! i would never forget about this bike riding trip and all the hot guys who helped us from Giant. I would definitely want to do this some other time maybee even this summerwith a few other friends!

