2011年6月1日 星期三

The Curious Incident Reflection Part I

part I(p.1-61):
At the beginning of this book I thought it was really boreing because it start of with an interesting situation or problem but then the way the author describes it makes it sound boreing.Then I remembered the main character in this book has problems so that's why it sounded boreing. I skipped a few pages and read in the middle notice how interesting this book is when I started reading about the part where he talks about his mother. I'm defintely more into the main character's problems in life and especially interested at the parts where he talks about his mother and flashbacks. I think this is a great book and i can't wait to read the second half of it!!
I'm hoping Christopher's (the main character) mom isn't dead and they will meet again i also wish that he would do great in his A-level math class:)

