2011年6月15日 星期三

The Curious Incident Reflection PartIIII

This is the last section of the book and the ending was a really big surprise for me! I always knew that Christopher was going to succeed at meeting his mother but i didn't know Mr. Shears would actually react like that. I mean after all he did steal the mother of this child away frmo him, what's so surprising that the child decided to come and find his mom? If he really loved Christopher's mom then he would put him self in her shoes and he would take in anything he doesn't like so that she can be happy. He shouldn't react like this so selfish and childish afterall he did already live with her for about 2 years what's so hard to just have one more extra person who's not even a stranger? just the son of the women he loves. So in my oppinion he's a bad guy but on ther other side i really belive Chris's father should deserve better, even though through out the book we see a violent, impatient and evil side of him but his intentions was never to hurt anyone and he is sorry for many things he did. But the ending of the book didn't exactly make it a happy novel since the parents didn't get back and their lovers left and plus christopher was only in a OK position with his dad. In the book it clearly shows that the father suited so much better to take care of the kid because he is so patient and nice to him but so is the mother she just looses it sometimes and she shows so much in her character that she would want to spent her time doing something she loves instead of waisting her young age on her son with problems. But still it was also kind of like a happy ending since we found out the murderer of the dog and the main character was able to do even more math then just A-level:D

