2011年6月9日 星期四

The Curious Incident PartIII

The third part of the book isn't as good as the second part. But it definitely is a big turning point. Most people might think that the father is really bad but i actually feel really sorry for him. He's a really good man and he only lied to protect his son but Christopher took it the wrong way and thinks his father is dangerous and decided to leave him. I have always admired the father throughout the story because he had the chance to sstart over in his life to find a good women to love or even party out every night but instead he cares so much about his son and he comes home every night and cooks for him. He also argues to the teachers so his son can get into A level math and he is even wiling to spent alot of money on him to have a private person to look after him. If i was the father i would kill the annoying dog too and i would be so mad at Mrs. Shears that i would take it out on the dog too. So there's nothing so scary and fearul about.

