2011年6月15日 星期三

The books Mr. Catlin got for me:D

So something really sad happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I was talking to my friend in class about it and then i told Mr. Catlin too:D since he is like a friend to me:) He then told me he has two books that really sounds very interesting so Mr. Catlin went to the copying store and got me copies! i can't wait to read them, they're already ready but i don't have time to go get them since the shop close at 7 and i always get hom around 6:50. But i really hope i can go tomorrow!! I'll take the bus that stops at the place or maybee i can just ask my mom to pick it up for me:) but i really hope i can go get them tomorrow because  i really do want to read it!!:D

The Curious Incident Reflection PartIIII

This is the last section of the book and the ending was a really big surprise for me! I always knew that Christopher was going to succeed at meeting his mother but i didn't know Mr. Shears would actually react like that. I mean after all he did steal the mother of this child away frmo him, what's so surprising that the child decided to come and find his mom? If he really loved Christopher's mom then he would put him self in her shoes and he would take in anything he doesn't like so that she can be happy. He shouldn't react like this so selfish and childish afterall he did already live with her for about 2 years what's so hard to just have one more extra person who's not even a stranger? just the son of the women he loves. So in my oppinion he's a bad guy but on ther other side i really belive Chris's father should deserve better, even though through out the book we see a violent, impatient and evil side of him but his intentions was never to hurt anyone and he is sorry for many things he did. But the ending of the book didn't exactly make it a happy novel since the parents didn't get back and their lovers left and plus christopher was only in a OK position with his dad. In the book it clearly shows that the father suited so much better to take care of the kid because he is so patient and nice to him but so is the mother she just looses it sometimes and she shows so much in her character that she would want to spent her time doing something she loves instead of waisting her young age on her son with problems. But still it was also kind of like a happy ending since we found out the murderer of the dog and the main character was able to do even more math then just A-level:D

2011年6月9日 星期四

The Curious Incident PartIII

The third part of the book isn't as good as the second part. But it definitely is a big turning point. Most people might think that the father is really bad but i actually feel really sorry for him. He's a really good man and he only lied to protect his son but Christopher took it the wrong way and thinks his father is dangerous and decided to leave him. I have always admired the father throughout the story because he had the chance to sstart over in his life to find a good women to love or even party out every night but instead he cares so much about his son and he comes home every night and cooks for him. He also argues to the teachers so his son can get into A level math and he is even wiling to spent alot of money on him to have a private person to look after him. If i was the father i would kill the annoying dog too and i would be so mad at Mrs. Shears that i would take it out on the dog too. So there's nothing so scary and fearul about.

2011年6月2日 星期四

The Curious Incident Reflection PartII

Part II (p.61-115):
The second half of the book was even better then the first since it talks less about the investigation and more about Christopher's family problems. I like how we finally find out that Christopher's mother wasn't dead and that she is alive and left with Mr. Shears. My favorite part of this section was the parts where we get to read a few letters that the mother has sent to Christopher and the flashbacks she mentions in them. I also liked the parts where the father gets in a fight with the kid but then he apologizes and shows how much he loves his son:)

2011年6月1日 星期三

The Curious Incident Reflection Part I

part I(p.1-61):
At the beginning of this book I thought it was really boreing because it start of with an interesting situation or problem but then the way the author describes it makes it sound boreing.Then I remembered the main character in this book has problems so that's why it sounded boreing. I skipped a few pages and read in the middle notice how interesting this book is when I started reading about the part where he talks about his mother. I'm defintely more into the main character's problems in life and especially interested at the parts where he talks about his mother and flashbacks. I think this is a great book and i can't wait to read the second half of it!!
I'm hoping Christopher's (the main character) mom isn't dead and they will meet again i also wish that he would do great in his A-level math class:)

2011年5月19日 星期四

My Plans for summer:)

I can't believe summer is already coming!!! I have a feeling that this will be the best summer vacation ever! But i really hope i don't fail for my math because if i do then i would have to come to school for 3 hours each day and study math and do the retakes:( so first thing i have to do before summer is to study hard for math and ask the teacher what i can do to get out of studying math:) But if i don't have to come to school then i have tones of stuff i need to do! I am definitely flying back to Australia and seeing my friends, spend time in the steak house, hotel buffet resturants and the beach watching hot guys. Then i would go to Shanghai and Hainan to meet my brother and his new girlfriend Sophie and most of all going clubbing with my friends back there! but I'm also planning on taking a few toefl and S.A.T classes as well as dancing class, painting class and going ice skating and watching tones of movies! Then I'm gonna spend alot of time in the pool and the gym to loose some weight and come back to Taiwan and do tones of shopping as well as just chilling in a coffee store on a raining day reading weathering heights and re read the twilight series too! isn't my summer just great? fingers cross i would be able to do all theese stuff and my goals are not to get fat or tanned:D

My favorite Book

I have alot of favorite books, like the Tale of Desperaux and the Great Gatsby are all really fun to read. But the one series of books that i will never get tired of is defintely the Twilight series nearly all the girls at my age is in love the either Jacob or Edward which were the two main characters in the book. The book is so realistic and romantic that when ever I'm reading it i would imagine my self to be Bella the main girl character. The movie was what made me intrestsed but then once i finished the movie everyone told me the book would be ten times better and i didn't believe them because the movie was already amazing but then i read the book and i know what they mean. The use of words and the details in the book weren't all mentioned in the movie but the books just goes way deep into it and i really am looking forward that Steaphnie Meyers would write even more books about Bella and Edward's kids love stories:)