2011年5月19日 星期四

My Plans for summer:)

I can't believe summer is already coming!!! I have a feeling that this will be the best summer vacation ever! But i really hope i don't fail for my math because if i do then i would have to come to school for 3 hours each day and study math and do the retakes:( so first thing i have to do before summer is to study hard for math and ask the teacher what i can do to get out of studying math:) But if i don't have to come to school then i have tones of stuff i need to do! I am definitely flying back to Australia and seeing my friends, spend time in the steak house, hotel buffet resturants and the beach watching hot guys. Then i would go to Shanghai and Hainan to meet my brother and his new girlfriend Sophie and most of all going clubbing with my friends back there! but I'm also planning on taking a few toefl and S.A.T classes as well as dancing class, painting class and going ice skating and watching tones of movies! Then I'm gonna spend alot of time in the pool and the gym to loose some weight and come back to Taiwan and do tones of shopping as well as just chilling in a coffee store on a raining day reading weathering heights and re read the twilight series too! isn't my summer just great? fingers cross i would be able to do all theese stuff and my goals are not to get fat or tanned:D

My favorite Book

I have alot of favorite books, like the Tale of Desperaux and the Great Gatsby are all really fun to read. But the one series of books that i will never get tired of is defintely the Twilight series nearly all the girls at my age is in love the either Jacob or Edward which were the two main characters in the book. The book is so realistic and romantic that when ever I'm reading it i would imagine my self to be Bella the main girl character. The movie was what made me intrestsed but then once i finished the movie everyone told me the book would be ten times better and i didn't believe them because the movie was already amazing but then i read the book and i know what they mean. The use of words and the details in the book weren't all mentioned in the movie but the books just goes way deep into it and i really am looking forward that Steaphnie Meyers would write even more books about Bella and Edward's kids love stories:)

The Amazing bike riding trip

The 12-day bike riding trip was one of the best days in my life. How could any one know that bike riding can be so funn and tiring? for the whole bike riding trip we only took the train once and it was because the road was dangerous. Even though some of the hotels we stayed in wasn't as good as the others but i loved them all because the most important thing is that we were all together and having fun. The reasons why i love this bike riding trip is because i made new friends and i lost alot of weight. On the way back we saw many beautiful placers and even though the moutains were difficult to climb on but it was all worth is because the places we saw were just simply amazing and the food we ate was great! i would never forget about this bike riding trip and all the hot guys who helped us from Giant. I would definitely want to do this some other time maybee even this summerwith a few other friends!

My Favorite Author!

One of my favorite hobbies is just to sit on a soft cushion or in starbucks and just snuggle with a book for hours. I read all kinds of stuff from newspaper to magazine to poems to fiction and non fiction books. Therefore i have alot of favorite books and favorite authors. My top three favorite authors are difintely J.K Rowling who wrote the Harry Potter series, Kate Dicamilo who wrote The tale of Despereaux and of coures everyone's favorite Stephanie Meyers who wrote the Twilight series. I like all three of theese authors because they all have a very special and unqiue way of writing that just makes me attracted to the book and makes me want to turn the page again and again. Those authors are so amazing that the book series they wrote all three of the books are now present in motion pictures. I have to say if i have to choose between those three authors my favorite one would be Stephanie Meyers because i love romantic stories especially when there are fiction things like vampires.

2011年5月5日 星期四


Hey Guys, My name is Diana and I love my english class:D
There's only the 7 of us and we are all really close and Mr. Catlin is fun.
I don't really have any hobbies but i really like to just hangout with my friends and chat on the phone:)
oh and i hate pumpkins
but i like chocolate brownies:D
plus i can't use chopsticks:(